Time for Genre:
Temporal Expressions as Features for the Classification of Literary Subgenres

Ulrike Henny-Krahmer
(NFDI4Culture, University of Cologne)

Conference "EADH2021",
September 23, 2021

Slides at: https://hennyu.github.io/eadh_21/


  • Introduction:
    Classification of Literary Subgenres with Temporal Expressions
  • Corpus and Methods:
    19th Century Novels, Temporal Tagging, and Classification
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions

Classification of Literary Subgenres with Temporal Expressions

Classification of Literary Subgenres

  • Classification of texts by genre: major concern of Computational Linguistics (e.g. Biber 1992) and Computational Literary Studies (Underwood 2015; Hettinger et al. 2016; Schöch 2017)
  • Use of different types of features (MFW, topics, sentiments, character networks)
  • Overall goal: better understand distinctive features
  • Here: temporal expressions as features

Temporal expressions

Sequences of tokens that refer to time (Ferro et al. 2005)

DATE/TIMEWhen did something happen?"on October 5th, 1850", "3 p.m."
DURATIONHow long did it last?"for three hours"
SETHow often did it occur?"every Tuesday"
  • Studies about temporal expressions in literary texts: Bögel et al. 2015; Fischer and Strötgen 2015a, 2015b; Gius and Jacke 2015
  • ≠ subgenre classification

Subgenres of the novel

  • Here: Spanish American 19th century novels
  • Types of novels: historical, customs ("novela de costumbres"), sentimental
  • Time in the novels:
    • temporal perspective: events in the present / past
    • precise / vague temporal location
  • hypotheses: more precise temporal expressions in historical novels, more fuzzy/unspecified ones in sentimental novels


  • How useful are temporal features in general for the classification of novels by subgenre?
  • How relevant are different temporal expressions for different subgenres?

Corpus and Methods:
19th Century Novels, Temporal Tagging, and Classification


Corpus of 19th Century Spanish American Novels


256 novels:

Mexico (108) historical (67)
Argentina (99) sentimental (55)
Cuba (49) customs (50)


  • Temporal tagging: HeidelTime 2.2.1 (Strötgen and Gertz 2015)
  • Linguistic annotation: TreeTagger 3.2.3 (Schmid 1995) and FreeLing 4.0 (Padró and Stanilovsky 2012)
  • Classification: linear SVM, C = 100, undersampling, random selection of novels (10 times), 10-fold cross-validation

Features: temporal expressions

  • 499 different features
    • basic types of temporal expressions (DATE, TIME, DURATION, SET)
    • custom subtypes (e.g. fully vs. unspecified DATES: "Mayo de 1854" vs. "hoy")
    • 50 most frequent temporal expressions of each basic type (e.g. "hoy", "las 9 de la noche", "dos horas", "cada día")
    • counts of different verb tenses (present, imperfect, future, past, conditional)
  • relative / proportional values
  • see https://github.com/hennyu/time_for_genre_eadh21

Features: MFW

  • another feature set of 4,000 MFW
  • tf-idf values
  • for comparison and combination
  • (see Hettinger et al. 2016, Henny-Krahmer forthcoming)

Results and Discussion

Classification results (mean accuracies)

Subgenres Temporal features MFW Temporal + MFW
historical novel vs. other 0.70 0.83 0.85
sentimental novel vs. other 0.64 0.78 0.77
novel of customs vs. other 0.62 0.72 0.73
historical novel vs. sentimental novel 0.74 0.92 0.91
historical novel vs. novel of customs 0.76 0.86 0.89
sentimental novel vs. novel of customs 0.59 0.74 0.74

Most important features (historical vs. customs)

Most important features (hist. vs. sentimental)

Most important features (sent. vs. customs)



  • classification of literary subgenres with temporal features alone: above baseline of 50%
  • MFW alone: better
  • MFW + temporal features: results improve for certain constellations (when the sentimental novel is not involved), but remain the same or get slightly worse for others


  • temporal features add relevant information for the distinction of some subgenres, but not for all
  • feature weights: a few very specific temporal features are relevant (fully specified dates, times of the day)
  • subgenres are not all defined on the same textual and linguistic levels
  • next steps: evaluate quality of temporal tagging in more detail, classify other types of novels

Thank you!

Slides at: https://hennyu.github.io/eadh_21/

CC-BY 4.0

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