Software Citation in the
Digital Humanities

Daniel Jettka (University of Paderborn), Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (University of Rostock),
Anne Ferger (University of Paderborn), Fernanda Alvares Freire (University of Rostock)

July 14, 2023

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  1. Software in the Digital Humanities
  2. Software Citation Principles
  3. Corpus and Annotation Criteria
  4. Annotation, Analysis and Results
  5. Conclusions and Considerations on Further Steps

1. Software in the Digital Humanities

Software plays a central role in Digital Humanities

  • Digitization
  • Exploration and Analysis of datasets
  • Enabling of new methods
  • Publication of digital data
Computational analysis of large data sets, computer-based simulations, and software technology in general play a central role for virtually all scientific breakthroughs of at least the 21st century.
(Anzt et al. 2021, p. 4)

How relevant is software at DH 2023?

Jupyter Notebook for this Graph

We understand research software as...

... software used in research to generate, process, analyze, link, or present research data.

(Jettka and Henny-Krahmer 2022,
translated from German)

broad scope:
- both software developed in research contexts
- and software developed elsewhere and used in research

Why is it important to properly cite software?

  • Guarantee transparency
  • Enable reproducibility
  • Give proper credit to developers
  • Maintain stable reference (for example, to a particular version)

Our goal today is to...

  • review the practice of software citation in the DH
  • raise awareness and promote adequate identification, acknowledgement, and tracking of software as a scholarly tool and output

2. Software Citation Principles

Recommendations for software citation

When to cite software?

"did the software play a critical part in my research?" or "did the software provide something novel?"
(Jackson n.d.)

Recommendations for software citation

What type of recommendations do exist?

  • Research and guides on software citation, in particular
    (e. g. Jackson n.d., Smith et al. 2016, Chue Hong et al. 2019a, 2019b, Druskat 2021a, 2021b)
  • Recommendations as part of general guides of sustainable software development
    (e. g. Anzt et al. 2021, Jettka/Henny-Krahmer 2022)
  • Recommendations from general citation styles
    (e. g. MLA or APA)
  • Recommendations made by software developers themselves for their software

Six principles for citing research software: (Smith et al. 2016)

  1. Importance (legitimate and citable product of research)
  2. Credit and Attribution (scholarly credit and recognition)
  3. Unique Identification (machine actionable, recognized by the community)
  4. Persistence (stable id. and metadata)
  5. Accessibility (metadata, documentation - informed use of the referenced software)
  6. Specificity (specific version)

3. Corpus and Annotation Criteria

Our goals

  • Review the practice of software citation in the DH:
    - through an analysis based on DH conference abstracts
    - with an annotation model developed from existing software citation recommendations
  • Preliminary work:
    Henny-Krahmer/Jettka 2021, 2022 (using DHd conference abstracts)


How is software cited? Which information is given or omitted?


  • volumes of DH conference abstracts from 2015–2020 in TEI format (not used: 2017)
  • randomly selected 156 abstracts for manual annotation
  • all languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese) and all relevant years included

Characteristics of our criteria

Annotation criteria

Label Description
Bib.Soft A Bibliographic entry for the software itself
Bib.Ref A Bibliographic entry for a reference publication about the software, e.g. a journal article, book or user manual
Name.Only Only the name of the software is mentioned
Agent The developers or responsible persons are named
URL The citation contains a URL that points to the software itself
PID The citation contains a persistent identifier (PID) for the software itself
Ver The citation includes an indication of a specific software version

4. Annotation, Analysis and Results


  • manually created software list + ToolXtractor (Barbot et al. 2019; 2021) to find potential software citations
  • manual post-processing

Annotation example

<p>Por otro lado, los índices fueron generados por el complemento '<rs type="software" key="Omeka_Reference" ana="#Agent #Ver #URL #Bib.Soft">Reference</rs>', desarrollada para <rs type="software" key="Omeka" ana="#Name.Only">Omeka</rs> por Daniel Bertherau. [...]</p>


Bertherau, D. (s.f.). “Reference 2.4.2”. Github.

(Source: Cid Carmona / Gutiérrez de la Torre / Acosta Samperio 2018)

What to annotate — what not?

Some considerations:

  • any type of computer program, including desktop and web applications, server software, plugins, extensions and sets of scripts.
  • tagging of concrete mentions and references to software in the main text
  • programming languages (?)

Software index

  • cited software was collected in a central index of software names
  • currently 181 entries

Software index

<list> <item xml:id="MediaWiki"> <name>MediaWiki</name> <ref type="URL"></ref> <note type="description">a collaboration and documentation platform</note> <note type="category">general</note> </item> <item xml:id="PoetryLab"> <name>PoetryLab</name> <ref type="URL"></ref> <note type="description">an extensible open source toolkit for syllabification, scansion (extraction of stress patterns), enjambment detection (syntactical units split in two lines), rhyme detection, and historical named entity recognition for Spanish poetry</note> <note type="category">research</note> </item> <item xml:id="Navarro-Colorado_2017"> <name>?</name> <ref type="DOI"></ref> <note type="description">A metrical scansion system for fixed-metre Spanish poetry.</note> <note type="category">research</note> </item> </list>



5. Conclusions and Considerations on Further Steps


Need for improvement of software citation practice in DH.

Need for action:

  • users
  • developers and operators
  • publishers


for developers:

  • publish your software
  • name your software
  • create citation suggestion (e.g., CFF file)
  • create persistent identifier(s) (e.g., on Zenodo)


for users:

  • use bibliographic entries for research software itself
  • name responsible persons and institutions
  • be specific where meaningful: versions / modules / ...
  • use persistent identifiers


For example:

Lundberg, Sigfrid / Geertinger, Axel / Stadler, Peter / Siam, Omar / Jettka, Daniel / Wawilow, Anastasia / Richts-Matthaei, Kristina (2023): “MerMEId.” Version 2.0.0-alpha.10. [Computer software]. <>

(Submission Guidelines for DH2024?)



Developer(s) (Year): “Software name.” Version X.X. [Computer software]. DOI: XXX.

(if there is no PI: <URL>)

Outlook and Further Steps

For continuing the software citation study:

  • Annotate DH journal articles
  • Revise annotation model
    (see upcoming contribution to TEI-MEC conference!)
  • Calculate inter-annotator agreement
  • Use data to train model for recognition of software citations

Thank you very much!

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